Traffic Ticket Attorney
DWI or Speeding
We Aggressively Defend
–ADVICE: Do not pay off your ticket without talking to a traffic ticket attorney.
Paying off your speeding ticket can result in increases in your auto insurance cost.
A North Carolina driver who pays off a 70mph in 55 mph charge will see a 45% increase in rates for 3 years, even if that driver’s record is clear. If you are charged with speeding, there are often several options available to help including the possible options of driver school, reduction and prayer for judgement.
Mike has earned his title as the “traffic ticket attorney” with thousands of traffic tickets resolved and he can explain the pros and cons of each option you may have. Speeding 15 mph over the speed limit and missed court dates can result in revoked driving privileges. In this computer age, if you ignore the ticket, your home state can reciprocate with North Carolina allowing DMV to place a hold on your license until the case is cleared up. If left unresolved you could get a surprise arrest while going through a simple traffic check. The ticket will not just go away.
Read why Mike is called "The Traffic Ticket Attorney"
Took care of my difficult traffic violation EASY.
"My wife received a traffic citation in Marion and he avoided points assessment and kept the ticket from going on her insurance. Highly recommend this attorney and his staff is excellent to work with as well." Super Pages review
"Mr. Edwards handled my traffic ticket with great efficiency and an excellent outcome. Definitely recommend!!"
Mike is the best and most experienced attorney in this area. He works hard and fights for the best possible outcome for his clients. Fees are reasonable and well worth the money spent.
What are my options if I do NOT pay off my ticket online?
Case Dismissal
Improper Equipment
Driver Safety School
Reduced Speed
Prayer for Judgement (PJC)
Full Trial
“Why do I need a experienced DWI trial lawyer”?
A seasoned trial lawyer like A. Michael Edwards would be a huge benefit for almost any case that goes to court in McDowell County, North Carolina.
Hiring a local attorney that is a traffic ticket expert with 35 years of experience as a trial lawyer, holding a high 89% success rate speaks volumes. This level of success and experience indicates that he knows the opposing attorneys and their typical strategies. Need a charge reduced? He knows the difference that mitigating factors can have on the outcome of your case. Attorney Edwards will assess your individual situation then advise on which options are best for you. Having advice like that gives you the opportunity to balance the scales back to your favor. And possibly stay out of JAIL!
What are aggravating and mitigating factors?
Sounds Greek, right? But all traffic ticket experts know that these two phrases are powerful actions in a court case and you need to understand how you can ease the outcome of a mistake.
An aggravating Factor is a fact or circumstance that increases the severity or culpability of a criminal act. Aggravating factors include recidivism (the tendency of convicted criminals to reoffend), lack of remorse, amount of harm to the victim, or committing the crime in front of a child, among many others.
A mitigating factor is any information or evidence presented to the court regarding the defendant or the circumstances of the crime that might result in reduced charges or a lesser sentence.
What are the Five Levels of North Carolina DWIs?
(Driving while Impaired)
Level Five DWI
Be imprisoned for a term of 24 hours as a condition of special probation; or Perform community service for a term of 24 hours; or
If the defendant is placed on probation, the defendant must obtain a substance abuse assessment and the education or treatment required for the restoration of a driver’s license. Level V: Punishable by a fine up to $200 and a minimum jail sentence of 24 hours and a maximum of 60 days.
Level Four DWI~ More severe than a Five
Be imprisoned for a term of 48 hours as a condition of special probation; or Perform community service for a term of 48 hours; or
If the defendant is placed on probation, the defendant must obtain a substance abuse assessment and the education or treatment required for the restoration of a driver’s license.
First offense – (level 4)- differs from the lowest level in cases where a wreck or bad driving are present. The case plan is similar with the goal to reduce consequences as low as possible. Court fees and fines will be about $100 more and community service will be 48 hours, and a driving permit is possible. Level IV : Punishable by a fine up to $500 and a minimum jail sentence of 48 hours and a maximum of 120 days jail.
Level Three DWI~ More severe than Four
Level Two DWI~ More severe than three
The judge may impose, as a condition of probation for defendants subject to Level One or Level Two punishments that the defendant abstains from alcohol consumption for a minimum of 30 days, to a maximum of the term of probation, as verified by a continuous alcohol monitoring system.
Level II: Punishable by a fine up to $2,000 and a minimum jail sentence of seven days and a maximum of one year
Level One DWI ~most severe
Level I: Punishable by a fine up to $4,000 and a minimum jail sentence of 30 days and a maximum of two years in in prison.
Traffic Ticket Resources
Crossroads Recovery
Alcohol Assessment, Drug Treatment and Family Counseling. Learn More
Check YOUR Court Date!
Can’t remember when your court date is? WE got you covered. Get Your court date here
McDowell Co.Clerk Of Court
Clickable phone numbers to county offices. Learn More
North Carolina DMV
Our state website listing all things administered by the Division of Motor Vehicles. Learn More
Defensive Driving Courses
A list of local and neighboring colleges offering Safe Driving Courses. Click Here
Ignition Interlock
Learn about this option as it may be the only way to get back on the road driving independently again. Learn More